Individual Therapy

Clients attend individual therapy to work through life struggles, stressors and traumas that cause internal conflict or emotional blocks. Client’s gain an understanding of their concerns and conflicts and are open to developing strategies and integrating coping skills to improve the quality of life through self-awareness and self exploration.

Couples Counseling

Couples come to therapy to gain a better understanding and insight into their relationship, learn to resolve conflict and utilize communication skills to improve the relationship satisfaction and internal conflict.

Play Therapy

Through imaginative play or creative outlets by which young client’s choose, they explore difficult feelings, thoughts and traumas to assist the young client in gaining control back and resolving the distress in their lives. Play therapists also establish and connect with the client’s parents to gain a better understanding of their life and assist in improving attachment with the parent child relationship.


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing is a form of therapy that supports you in reliving your traumatic or triggering life events while the therapist directs your eye movements through non-physical interventions. The therapist assists in decreasing your distress and emotional reaction to the triggering event and improving emotional reaction. Please consult with your future/current therapist to learn more about EMDR.

Grief and Loss Support

Loss of any kind is one, if not, the most difficult thing in life. Grief is something that does not go away, changes often and does not take days off. The therapist’s focus is to support the client’s emotions and explore/understand one’s personal loss and grief in order to live a life with the loss and not let the grief dictate your life.

LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy

As an ally, cultural family therapy take pride in helping individuals and couples grow within themselves and in life’s journeys to gain more insight into your own sexual identity and/or gender identity and cultural views. The therapist focuses on supporting and guiding the client through life challenges and celebrates life successes. As an affirmative clinician and advocate, CFT therapist focus on positive view and rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual, Queer, and Nonbinary identities and relationships as well as how the client’s identify influences religious, cultural, ethnic, or other identities.

Gender ASSET Certification

As trained Gender Affirmative and Supportive Surgery Evaluation Tool Certification therapists. We able to provide letters for gender affirming surgery in order to support transgender and gender diverse clients in preparing to undergo surgery in their gender affirming journey.

Gender Affirmative Surgery Assessments and Letters.

As Gender Affirmative Therapists, we are able to provide letters for gender affirming surgery for our clients on their gender affirming journey.