Cancellation Policy

Appointments are made to reserve a specific time for you, therefore, a minimum of 24 hour notice is required for canceling or rescheduling an appointment. The full fee will be charged for appointments that are missed, canceled or rescheduled without 24 hours notice. If there is a gap in services more than 30 days, you will be taking off the weekly schedule. $50 late fee for no shows

Cancellation Policy

Appointments are made to reserve a specific time for you, therefore, a minimum of 24 hour notice is required for canceling or rescheduling an appointment. A $50 fee will be charged for appointments that are missed, canceled or rescheduled without 24 hours notice. If there is a gap in services more than 30 days, you will be taken off the weekly schedule.

Social Media

Our concern for our clients regarding the use of social media sites is the potential loss of privacy and blurring of the therapeutic relationship.

For this reason, we do not contact or friend request or accept contacts on social media with both current and former clients.

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists-Ethics code prohibits soliciting testimonials from our clients. I can not stop you but you should be aware that you are compromising your own privacy.

Social Media

Our concern for our clients regarding the use of social media sites is the potential loss of privacy and blurring of the therapeutic relationship.

For this reason, we do not contact or friend request or accept contacts on social media with both current and former clients.

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists-Ethics code prohibits soliciting testimonials from our clients. I can not stop you but you should be aware that you are compromising your own privacy.

Texting & Email

Please be aware these methods are neither secure nor private. We prefer to keep messages to a minimum and will respond within business hours, not on weekends nor after hours. We are not an emergency service nor crisis center. You will be instructed to call 911 if contacting us during an emergency or crisis.

Texting & Email

Please be aware these methods are neither secure nor private. We prefer to keep messages to a minimum and will respond within my business hours, not on weekends nor after hours. We are not an emergency service nor crisis center. You will be instructed to call 911 if contacting us during an emergency or crisis.